Step One

3D Printed Air Cores

Using state-of-the-art 3D printers, we craft hollow air cores from recycled PETG that deliver supernatural strength and buoyancy.

Step Two

Paulownia Wood Decks

We encapsulate our hollow air cores with Paulowina wood decking. This unique wood is super light and flexible (perfect for surf craft).

Step Three

Basalt Cloth + BioBased Epoxy

Each board is internally laminated with Basalt Cloth and BioBased Epoxy. It's an earth-powered combo that eliminates pressure dings and delivers reliable flex.

Step Four

Hydrophobic Sheen Finish

We infuse hydrophobic, plant-derived oils into the Paulownia surfaces. This premium (0% VOC) treatment gently glistens and ensures a showroom finish for years to come.