A Better Way

Surfing is beautiful. Yet standard surfboard manufacturing is ugly, using toxic styrene foams and carcinogenic resins. Let’s change that. Together.

Part One


+ Air Cores from Recycled PETG
+ Paulownia Wood Decking
+ Natural Basalt Cloth
& BioBased Epoxy

Every FUNNER Surf Craft uses these materials, eliminating wasteful styrofoam and dangerous resins from every board we make.

Part Two

Climate Neutral Operations in the PNW

Made in Oregon, 77% of our electricity is hydro-powered and we offset all remaining emissions in partnership with our local utility.

Part Three

Aligning Purchases with Partnerships

We're a proud member of 1% For The Planet and the Surfrider Foundation. Together, we clean and protect the oceans we love.


Continuous Improvement

Next up, we're reclaiming fishing line from our oceans and upcycling it into 3D printing filament to make our Air Cores—a goal we aim to achieve by 2025.